
Posts Tagged ‘winning money online’

Defence on the Poker Felt

April 14, 2011 Leave a comment

One tricky betting scenario is when you are able to entice your opponent to call or raise your bet.  Consider the scenario where most of the players at the table are evenly stacked and the blinds are at $15/30. You look down and see pocket 88’s and decide to raise from middle position.  You get called by the big blind who you think is riding high with an A-9.  The flop falls:  As, 8d and 3d.  What a flop!  Middle set, but you don’t want to give away the strength of your hand, so how do you bet to get the most out of your opponent?  You really want to try and make your hand look weaker than it actually is and there are a few ways to do this.  If you are acting first and your opponent isn’t overly-aggressive, you can make a relatively small bet, maybe half the pot, and hope that he calls.  Assuming he doesn’t raise, we can bet again on the turn or check and hope he takes the lead thinking his ace is good.  If he does raise on the flop, you should call and re-evaluate on the turn.

If your opponent is likely to lead out on his own, you should check your hand in the hopes that he bets for you.  Depending on how strong you think his hand is, you can either just call his bet to see the turn, then put in a raise of your own, in order to build the pot even more.  If your opponent is first to act and checks to you, bet your hand and hope for a call, but maybe a smarter play would be to not bet here and check behind him so your opponent  feels more confident about betting his ace on the turn.

Defensive betting is when you try to entice either a call or a fold from an opponent while preventing them from leading out or raising your hand.  Why bet defensively?  Usually you are making these kinds of bets when there is a draw, and you haven’t made your hand yet.  For example, let’s say you’ve loosened up your game and decide to play 7s-8s in middle position.  You get called by the button and now you are looking at a board of Ks, 10s and 5c.  You really have nothing more than a flush draw, and while checking here is okay, it may not be the best way to play it because you may be giving up some potential profit in the event that you hit.  Then, at the same time you are giving your opponent a chance to make a bet that may force you to fold your hand.  You may also want to bet here because 50-60% of the time, you are going to win the pot.  The trick to betting defensively is to find a number big enough to provoke either a call or a fold from your opponent, while keeping the bet cheap enough that it is not costing you too much to hit your draw.  Often times a bet of about 1/3 the pot is the right size bet to accomplish this goal.

Luck and the Loose Table

April 8, 2011 Leave a comment

As you develop your skills and strategies by playing and practicing at the tables, you will find very quickly that a lot of money can be made at the tables that are considered “loose”.  In this article, we are going to try and explain how some loose games differ from others.

Before a discussion can begin regarding strategies, you should know that there are different types of loose games that you are likely to encounter.  The first game is called a loose/passive game.  In this situation you will find a lot of players who like to limp into the pot pre-flop.  Most players in these games will not raise before the flop without a solid starting hand.  Because there tends to be so many limpers in loose passive games, often you can enter the pot for very little money, which means that you can play loosely yourself since generally there is little fear that there will be an opponent that will raise behind you.  As a result, you will find yourself playing in a lot of multi-way pots.  These games often provide good opportunities to limp in early position with speculative hands like small pairs and suited Ace’s, where you are hoping to hit a set or make a flush, since your initial investment is minimal.

In a loose/aggressive game, you will find that players will be making a lot more pre-flop raises, often with a much wider hand range.  Since most pots are raised, you are less likely to have a lot of players seeing the flop in these kind of games.  Because there is more pre-flop raising in loose/aggressive games, you should be looking to play more high percentage hands like big pairs, AK, and AQ.  Playing speculative hands can also be profitable in these types of games, but only if you are in position.  Playing speculative hands out of position will often become too expensive to justify.

In either type of game you can expect to see a wide variety of hands at showdown which makes it harder to steal pots in loose games because an opponent is more likely to hit the flop, especially in a multi-way pot.  Don’t ever feel like you need to get caught up in the action or build a pot in a loose game.  It only takes a key hand or two to bring you some nice profits and turn things around.  In loose/aggressive games especially, your opponents will tend to overplay hands such as top pair which means that you will have the opportunity to sit back and trap them with your big hand.

Some Great Online Poker Tips from Nigel Goldman

January 23, 2011 3 comments

I’ve read quite a few books about online poker and one of my favorites is Nigel Goldman’s “Make a Million from Online Poker”.  Just a short little hand guide really, but it helped me learn the basics of playing online poker in a very short amount of time.  In the book Mr. Goldman list’s his top 15 tips for playing great online poker and I thought I would post them for you, the player who wants to play like a champion!

1. Only risk 10% of your bankroll in any one game.

2. Never play when drunk or tired. (Why do you think Vegas casinos serve free drinks to their punters?)

3. Insure you are always comfortable by investing in a decent size monitor and wireless technology.

4. Consider a bogus identity.

5. Create false alliances with other players.

6. Play two or more games at once; the bulk of your hands in any game will be poor, so this gives you more action and a better chance of hitting decent cards.

7. Watch out for instant action from other players – it probably indicates that they are using pre-select buttons.

8. Most online players [especially in low-stakes games] are bad players, so there is no need to play too fancy.

9. Don’t let other players bully you into playing or making decision faster than you need to.  Ignore “zzzzzzz” comments in the chatbox if you are legitimately thinking through a hand.

10. Look out for value satellite competitions – many large prizes are won by online qualifiers.

11. Ensure that any credit card you have logged on with to play is up to date.

12. Enroll with an online financial service agency such as NetTeller to help you process big wins.

13. Take a break, especially after a big win or heavy loss.  Don’t be shy about sitting out for a few minutes.

14. Remember, good players do most of their gambling on the flop.

15. Most of your profit will come from making the most obvious correct moves.

Building Your Bankroll, Then Managing It

January 14, 2011 1 comment

The whole purpose of playing poker online is to make money.  Visit any poker website or read any poker blog and you will learn that if you are unable to manage your bankroll, playing poker online will not be a profitable experience for you.  And if you are not making any money, that experience is no longer a fun one either.

It’s easy to manage your bankroll if you are able to develop some discipline in following the rules of bankroll management.   We are going to lay out a few simple rules and if you are able to stay within these simple guidelines, you should be able to deposit a certain amount of money and never have to deposit money again!

If you are a cash game player, your bankroll should have a  minimum of twenty buy-ins, regardless of your level of play.  Should you get to fifteen buy-ins or less, you should consider moving down a level until you can get back to a twenty level buy-in.   One buy-in is considered 100 big blinds. For instance, at .01/.02, a buy-in is $2 (100 x .02 = $2) and that is why .01/.02 is called $2NL.  So, if you deposit $50 and are determined to use good bankroll management, you should start out playing $2NL until you can work your way up to $100. When you get to $100 you can then start playing $5NL. If your play starts to spiral at the $5NL and your bankroll drops back down to $75 (15 buy-ins), then you might consider dropping down to $2NL and work it back up.  Remember, the only people that don’t move down are the the players that eventually go broke.

If you are able to develop some good bankroll management skills, soon these skills will become second nature and it doesn’t have to be difficult!  Managing your bankroll will only help your game as you grind from one level to the next.  The above scenario may be seen by many as a minimum ‘guideline’, but experts will agree that for a micro-stakes player, it is an acceptable way to gain an edge in a competitive environment where skill, patience and luck are the name of the game.

Winning Big Money In An Online Poker Room

December 31, 2010 1 comment

When I first started gambling online, my whole intention was to learn more about the game of Texas Hold’em and gain more experience for live play.  I knew that I could play  low limit tables and practice with ‘free money’ for as long as I wanted in order to gain experience and confidence. I needed all the confidence I could get before playing with my own hard-earned cash!  It wasn’t long before I felt ready to deposit money and start building my bankroll.

One night a week turned into a couple of nights a week, then every time I could get online, I’d log into my favorite poker room.  When I was at my virtual online poker room, I didn’t think about work, family issues, the kids or anything else that entered my mind during the course of the day.  It was relaxing, fun and exciting  to think about the possibility of winning big.   I started to read poker articles online and couldn’t believe all the blogs and websites dedicated to the subject of Texas Hold’em.  The more I read, the more I learned and I realized that if you are a dedicated player, and really enjoy the game, you have the chance just as anyone else to win big.  Just check out the article below and you will see what I mean!


After winning $287k on his first day as a sponsored pro on PokerStars, Isildur1 drops down $300k. Isildur1, which rumors says he is the Swedish poker player Viktor Blom, almost lost his whole stack playing $100/$200 PLO against the pro Phil “MrSweets28” Galfond.

His losses in the PLO game are not a surprise because he is usually considered to be a superior No-Limit Hold’em player.

Swings like this are not a strange thing when it comes to Isildur1, last year Isildur1 won over $4 million on Full Tilt Poker and then lost it all and more.

For other player this day went a little better, the Full Tilt Poker pro Patrik Antonious was the big winner of the day with a win of $147k at the $200/$400 Six-Max PLO tables.

The new player KobeYard85 won $140k, Gus Hansen with $104k, the limit specialist O Fortuna PLS with $115k and harrington25 with $113k.

One of the big losers this day was Phil Ivey who’s been on a downswing recently, lost $117k more in only 169 hands.

Players that also lost quiet much were DrugsOrMe who went down $88k and Andrew Feldman who lost $87k.